Do you have a reference from a bibliography, or are you looking for a specific journal in either print or electronic form? Or would you just like to know if a particular journal is available in the library?
Here you will find an alphabetic listing of all journals available in the library.
MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance - List of Current Journal Subscriptions.
MPI for Innovation and Competition - List of Current Journal Subscriptions.
The electronic journal library is a cooperative service of more than 550 libraries. The objective is to provide users easy access to electronically published academic journals that offer their articles in full text. A simple traffic signal system will show you if a desired journal is freely available , is licensed for the Institute or is available in electronic form but not licensed .
The EZB contains, amongst other things, the journal titles of Beck-online, HeinOnline, JSTOR and WISO.
Due to the database structure of some providers, it is unfortunately not possible to list all electronic journals available in our library in the EZB. Thus, for example, you will not find Westlaw or LexisNexis journals in the EZB.
Link: EZB
The journal database is the world’s largest database for title and ownership listings of sequential collected works such as journals and newspapers. The ZDB contains more than 1.5 million titles in all languages from the year 1500 to the present. Article titles are not listed.
Link: ZDB
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