Dr. Fabian Kratzlmeier

Senior Research Fellow



© Annabelle Bruglacher

Areas of Interest

Private Law; German, European and International Business Law, with a focus on Commercial, Corporate and Bankruptcy Law

Academic Résumé

  • Law School at LMU Munich, McGill University and the Unversity of Regensburg; First State Examination in Law 2017.
  • Research associate to Professor Dr. Wolfgang Servatius, Chair for Civil and Business Law, Universtiy of Regensburg, 2017-2023.
  • Legal training scheme/Clerkship program at the Higher Court of Appeals Nuremberg, with appointments i.a. to the District Attorney’s Office, the Bavarian Administrative Court, and the Regional Court in Ratisbon, a civil-law Notary, and the London office of a major U.S.-based law firm; Second State Examination in Law 2019.
  • LL.M.-Program at The University of Chicago Law School, 2021/22.
  • Ph.D. in Law from the University of Regensburg (thesis on cross-border preventive restructurings) 2022.
  • Senior Research Fellow at the Institute, and lecturer at the University of Regensburg since 2023.

Academic Prizes / Honours


  • YANIL Research Prize for Innovative and Oustanding Research (2023, first prize)
  • Juratisbona-Prize, awarded the Law School Regensburg honoring the outstanding Ph.D.-thesis (2023)
  • Stitching Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection, European Insolvency Law Workshop Leiden (2023, third prize)
  • Honors for the highest score in the Second State Examination class of 2019/I, awarded by the Bavarian Minister of Justice (2021)
  • JZ-Prize, awarded by the Law School Regensburg honoring outstanding academic achievements (2017)


  • Scholarship in the Bavarian Academic Elite Network Program
  • Full scholarship by the German-American Fulbright Commission

Current Publications

Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Registerrechtliche Probleme des Gesellschafterwechsels bei einer nach altem Recht im Grundbuch eingetragenen GbR – zugleich Besprechung von OLG München, Beschluss vom 23.07.2024 – 34 Wx 167/24e (Substituting Shareholders in a pre-reform civil partnership holding a (registered) real estate interest). In: MittBayNot, forthcoming.
Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Zur kollisionsrechtlichen Behandlung des deutschen Gesellschafterdarlehensrechts unter der EuInsVO – zugleich Besprechung von BGH, Vorlagebeschluss vom 16.1.2025 – IX ZR 229/23 (PIL Treatment of Sharheolder Loans - Comment on the Reference by the German Federal Court of Justice to the ECJ). In: NZG, forthcoming.
Kratzlmeier, Fabian / Navarro, Aitor: Escaping Minimum Taxation through Investor-State Arbitration? – A Closer Look at the Robustness of the EU GloBE Directive. In: Intertax, forthcoming.
Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Austauschbarer Gläubigerschutz? – (Vor-)Insolvenzrechtliches law shopping zwischen Effizienz und Opportunismus (The manipulability of creditor protection – law shopping in (pre-)insolvency law between efficiency and opportunism). In: KTS, 2024, Volume 2024, Nr. 4, p. 343 - 413.
Kratzlmeier, Fabian: (Irr-)Wege zu einem kohärenten europäischen Insolvenzrecht – Abstimmungsdefizite zwischen Pre Pack-Verfahren und EuInsVO ((Twisted) paths towards a coherent European bankruptcy framework – Inconsistencies between the newly proposed Pre Pack Proceeding and the EIR). In: NZI, 2023, Nr. 20, p. 799 - 807.
  • winner of the YANIL Prize for Innovative and Outstanding Research 2023
  • English versionavailable
Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Vorverlagerte Zuständigkeitskonflikte in einer globalisierten Welt – gerichtliches Prozessführungsverbot dank deliktisch rezipiertem Justizgewähranspruch? (Note on OLG Hamm, decision of 02 May 2023 - 9 W 15/23)). In: JZ, 2023, Nr. 20, p. 931 - 936.
Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Die grenzüberschreitende Unternehmensrestrukturierung im europäischen Rechtsrahmen (Cross-border Restructuring in Europe). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck / StudIPR 509, 2023, Dis, XXX + 438 pp..

 ISBN 978-3-16-162134-5 / e-book: DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162420-9

Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Die „alte“ GbR im Grundbuch – aktuelle Probleme des intertemporalen Grundbuchrechts nach dem MoPeG (The transition process after the reform of German partnership law – how to deal with non-registered partnerships). In: ZfIR, 2023, Nr. 2023/5, p. 197 - 210.
Kratzlmeier, Fabian: Insolvenzrechtliche Zuständigkeiten und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität – zugleich Besprechung von EuGH, Urteil vom 24. März 2022 – C-723/20, Galapagos (Cross-border relocation and its impact on international jurisdiction in insolvency matters – comments on the ECJ’s ruling in re Galapagos). In: ZIP : Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 2023, Volume 44, Nr. 9, p. 455 - 462.


14.02.25Intervention on „Corporate-law and insolvency-law disputes in Europe. Are specialized courts more responsive to effectiveness of EU law?”

EBI-Conference on Capital Markets and Banking Unions, Law and the Courts

LocationBologna, IT
14.01.25PIL governing restructuring and insolvency law - regulatory competition, law shopping, market regulation

Workshop des Instituts für Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung

LocationRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
25.10.24The new Sec. 47 para. 2 of the German Land Register Statute - Current case law and implications on other non-registered assiciations

18. annual real estate conference

Speaker: Dr. Kratzlmeier, Fabian
LocationUniversity of Regensburg, Ratisbon
03.10.24COMI under attack: European stakes in a global debate

INSOL Europe Academic Forum

LocationSorrento, IT
28.06.24Escaping minimum taxation through investor-state arbitration? – A closer look at the robustness of the EU GloBE Directive

Conference on Global Minimum Tax and Investment Treaty Arbitration

Speaker: Dr. Kratzlmeier, Fabian / Dr. Navarro, Aitor
LocationUniversité de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU
25.06.24GloBE from a minority shareholders’ and creditors’ perspective: because the principle of separate legal entities is not unique to tax law

Conference on the Economic and Legal Implications of the Global Minimum Tax

20.05.24COMI, forum shopping and the adequate protection of creditors against mid-stream changes in the applicable insolvency law – a European perspective

ERA INSOL International Workshop

LocationSan Diego, CA, USA
04.04.24The manipulability of creditor protection – law shopping in (pre-)insolvency law between efficiency and opportunism

Jour Fixe at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law

12.03.24(Twisted) paths towards a coherent European bankruptcy framework – Inconsistencies between the newly proposed Pre Pack Proceeding and the EIR

Award Lecture, YANIL Webinar

18.11.23Creditor Protection and Private International Law – The (In-)Efficiencies of Corporate and Insolvency Law Shopping

13th Annual Alumni Conference of the Max-Planck-Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance

LocationMax-Planck-Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich
19.04.23Regulatory Competition among European Restructuring Frameworks

5th BWILC Workshop on European Insolvency Law

LocationLeiden, NL
18.11.22German partnership reform, anti-money-laundering-legislation and partnership registry – implications on real estate transactions

16th annual conference on real estate law

LocationUniversity of Regensburg, Ratisbon
07.04.22The current state of German restructuring law – an appealing forum for corporate reorganizations?

Seminar on current topics in corporate reorganizations

LocationUniversity of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA


During the ongoing semester, Dr. Kratzlmeier offers a seminar on current issues and developments in corporate law at the University of Regensburg. Previously, he has taught several courses in private and business law, including contracts, commercial, partnership and corporate law, as well as legal challenges and strategies in financial distress.

In 2018, he served as a guest lecturer for European Union Law at Lomonosov Moscow State University.