Are you looking for a work by a certain author? Do you know the title of a book or would you like to find a book on your research topic? The following search instruments can help you with these questions.
In the combined catalogue of both Max Planck Institutes you will find all books, e-books and journal titles located here. You can search the catalogue using a variety of search criteria (e.g. author, title/title catchwords, year, etc.).
Search tips:
• Arch* (when you do not know the exact ending of a term)
• ?ologie (when you do not know the exact beginning of a term)
• case*law (when you are unsure of the exact spelling)
• “Tax and Law” (when the exact order of terms is to be maintained)
• Button: Contents (Inhaltsverzeichnis) -> makes searches of scanned tables of contents of important works possible
You will find more extensive explanations of the shelf classification system used in each library here.
If you were unable to locate a title, please give us an acquisition request. You will be informed as to whether we will acquire the book.
Link: Our Catalogue
Here you will find a listing of all Aleph Online Catalogues, amongst others those of the Max Planck Institutes with a legal or economics orientation. Should you find a needed title there, it may potentially be borrowed short-term from another Institute, or you may send us an acquisition request.
Link: Catalogues of Other Max Planck Institutes
The catalogue of the Bavarian Library Association (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern – BVB) contains more than 17 million titles with location information for the academic libraries participating in the association. All available media of the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) is also listed here. If you are unable to locate an urgently needed book in our library, you may borrow it from the Bavarian State Library. In addition, you may send us an acquisition request.
Link: Catalogue of the Bavarian Library Association (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern – BVB)
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog) makes possible worldwide metasearches in the collections of national libraries, library associations and booksellers’ lists. Literature found here can be borrowed through the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) by way of an inter-library loan. In addition, you may also send us an acquisition request. You will be informed as to whether we will acquire the book.
Link: Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KarlsruherVirtueller Katalog - KVK)
WorldCat lists the titles of over 10,000 libraries in various languages from all countries around the world, and is thereby the world’s largest bibliographic collection database.
Literature found here can be borrowed through the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) by way of an inter-library loan. In addition, you may send us an acquisition request. You will be informed as to whether we will acquire the book.
Link: WorldCat
“Google Books” is a service of the internet provider Google, which has the objective of making the contents of millions of books available worldwide, primarily through digitisation for full text searches. Google Books is supplied from two sources: Google Print in a strict sense, which is a no-longer controversial cooperation project with publishers; and the still legally controversial “Google Library”, whereby large numbers of primarily academic books are scanned even without the permission of the right holders.
Link: Google Books
A selection of our research and special events at the institute in 2024.